English Form Four Examination 2023 1


mwalimu makoba logo showing diamond and a book

Time: 3 Hours


1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 12 questions.

2. Answer all questions in section A and B and three questions from section C.

3. Section A carries 15 marks; section B carries 40 marks and section C carries 45 marks.

4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

Section A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the item (i)-(x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) Sabrina’s goat is brown and cruel. The description of Sabrina’s goat is in term of:

A colour and quality B colour and size C number and quantity D shape and quantity E number and quality

(ii) My friend who has just arrived from London prefers coffee than tea. Why is the underlined phrase wrong?

A Prefers go with ‘for’ instead of ‘than’.

B Prefers go with ‘to’ instead of ‘than’.

C Prefers go with ‘of’ instead of ‘than’.

D Prefers go with ‘at’ instead of ‘than’.

E Prefers go with ‘in’ instead of ‘than’.

(iii) Our English language teacher often teaches for an hour. Why is the article ‘an’ is used instead of other articles?

A It shows time before the word ‘hour’.

B It indicates a singular form in a sentence.

C The first letter in the word ‘hour’ has vowel qualities.

D The word ‘hour’ is a plural form.

E The last letter in the word ‘hour’ has consonant qualities.

(iv) Which statement is the indirect statement of ‘I have moved to another flat’ Juma said.

A Juma said that he had had moved to another flat.

B Juma said that he has moved to another flat.

C Juma said that he has already moved to another flat.

D Juma said that he had already moved to another flat.

E Juma said that he had moved to another flat.

(v) Several soldiers_________ responsible for this accident.

A is B are C was D might

(vi) Neither me nor my parents_________ (would be, is , was, were) aware of the incident.

A would B be C is D was E were

(vii) A pair of trousers_________ hanging on the line.

A were B are C would D be E is

(viii) Either she or her friends__________ responsible for this accident.

A is B are C was D might E no answer

(ix) Everything________ fine when it is done correctly.

A work B worked C will work D works E all are correct

(x) The leader as well as his brothers_________ to the same tribe.

A belong B belongs

2. Match the descriptions about Curriculum Vitae in List A with their corresponding names in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

List A

List B

(i) It includes full time and part time careers ever done by a person.

(ii) The academic training that an individual has attained.

(iii) List of things in which are done by a person for leisure.

(iv) It features details of an individual including his/her contacts.

(v) A person who knows another person and can endorse him/her.


A referee

B hobby

C marital status

D personal particulars

E educational background

F work experience

G applicant

H employer

Section B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. Rewrite the following sentences in a reported speech:

(i) “What’s your name?”

He asked me______________

(ii) “May I borrow your book?”

He wanted me to ___________

(iii) “I’ll come tomorrow.”

He said ______________

(iv) “I have already eaten my dinner.”

I told him _____________

4. What would you do:

(i) If you got lost on a walk in town?

(ii) If you found a snake under your bed?

(iii) If somebody hit a small child very hard in your presence?

5. For each of the item (i)-(viii), change the indirect statements into direct statements.

(i) The old man asked me if she required any help.

(ii) I asked him who he was and what he wanted.

(iii) She said that she would tell him exactly what she thought.

(iv) He told me I should see a specialist.

(v) The doctor told him that he ought to slow down a bit.

(vi) She said that if I passed my examination she would buy me a bicycle.

(vii) She said that she must have slept through the alarm.

(viii) He asked me if I was comfortable.

6. Suppose you have witnessed fire accident involving a certain building. Use the following words to construct a sentence for each to describe the event.

(i) Supermarket mall

(ii) Fire smoke

(iii) Fire extinguishers

(iv) Fire engines

(v) Fire men

(vi) Escape

(vii) Rescue

(viii) Victims

7. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instruction given.


In Cecilia’s opinion, there should be a national campaign to stop poaching.

(Begin: Cecilia thinks…)

Cecilia thinks that there should be a national campaign to stop poaching.

(i) I think Cecilia should be offered the job. (Begin: In my opinion…)

(ii) In my view, the government si serious in fighting against poachers. (Begin: I am convinced…)

(iii) Cedilia thought that working hand in hand with the government would stop poaching. (Begin: Cecilia is of the opinion…)

(iv) Government officials think that poachers can be stopped if they are sentenced to life imprisonment. (Begin: Government officials believe…)

(v) Local communities can help in the war against poaching. (Begin: She is convinced…)

Choose the correct word or expression from the bracket to complete and make a connected thought of the following sentences.

(vi) The panelists asked me to talk about myself________ (so that, though) they could get to know me better.

(vii) The panel leader’s questions were very hard to understand, so_____ (most, often, all, the) other interview panelist had to clarify them for me.

(viii) ____________ (in my decision, my my view of this) the panel leader was supposed to be someone ease to understand.

_______________, (however, therefore) I was selected.

8. For each of the items (i)-(iv), construct one sentence to show how often the actions are done by using each of the given guidelines.

(i) Adverb of frequency at the beginning of a sentence.

(ii) Adverb of frequency at the end of a sentence.

(iii) Adverb of frequency before an auxiliary verb.

(iv) Adverb of frequency in negative sentence at mid-position.

Section C (45 Marks)

Answer three questions in this section.

8. Assuming you are a Village Chairperson, write a speech informing your villagers about the advantages of keeping the village clean. Use six points.

9. Read the given poem and answer the questions that follows:

O black woman of Africa,

Your beauty is like the night,

So dark and mysterious,

Yet full of light.

Your skin is like ebony,

Your hair is like silk,

Your eyes are like stars,

Your smile is like a rill.

Your voice is like music,

Your laughter is like rain,

Your touch is like fire,

Your love is like pain.

You are a queen,

A goddess,

A warrior,

A mother.

You are Africa,

In all her glory.


(a) With evidences, analyse three themes found in this poem.

(b) Identify three poetic devices and briefly explain the intention of the poet in using those devices.

10. Choose one character from “Passed Like a Shadow” and explain his/her roles in educating African society. Give six points.

11. Explain in no more than one page what the play "This Time Tomorrow" is about.



(i) A

(ii) B

(iii) C

(iv) E

(v) B

(vi) E

(vii) E

(viii) E

(ix) B

(x) D

(xi) B


(i) F

(ii) E

(iii) B

(iv) D

(v) A


(i) He asked me what my name was.

(ii) He wanted me to lend him my book.

(iii) He said that he would come tomorrow.

(iv) I told him that I had already eaten my dinner.


(i) I would ask people for help finding my way.

(ii) I would relax, then slowly move out of bed. Afterward, I would grab a large stick and kill the snake.

(iii) I would ask him to stop beating that child as it can cause death or serious damage.


(i) The old man asked, "Does she require any help?"

(ii) I asked, "Who are you and what do you want?"

(iii) She said, "I will tell him exactly what I think."

(iv) He said, "You should see a specialist."

(v) The doctor said, "You ought to slow down a bit."

(vi) She said, "If you pass your examination, I will buy you a bicycle."

(vii) She said, "I must have slept through the alarm."

(viii) He asked me, "Are you comfortable?"


(i) The fire broke out in a supermarket mall, filling the air with thick smoke.

(ii) The fire smoke was so thick that it was difficult to see.

(iii) People used fire extinguishers to try to put out the fire.

(iv) Fire engines arrived at the scene and began to spray water on the fire.

(v) Firemen rescued people from the burning building.

(vi) People escaped from the burning building by running out of the exits.

(vii) Firemen rescued victims from the burning building.

(viii) The fire victims were taken to the hospital for treatment.


(i) In my opinion, Cecil should be offered the job.

(ii) I am convinced that the government is serious in fighting against poaching.

(iii) Cecilia is of the opinion that working hand in hand with the government would stop poaching.

(iv) Government officials believe that poaching can be stopped.

(v) She is convinced that local communities can help in the war against poaching.

(vi) So that

(vii) The

(viii) My view of this, however


(i) Always do your homework on time.

(ii) I do my homework always.

(iii) I always do my homework.

(iv) I don't always do my homework.

Jipatie Majibu yote ya Mtihani Huu, Wasiliana Nasi kwa Kugusa Hapa

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