
Uandishi wa CV au Wasifu | Maswali na Majibu

Kitaalamu Zaidi, Tunaweza Kukuandikia Barua ya Maombi ya Kazi na CV Uitwe Katika Usaili na Upate Kazi. Barua Tsh. 5,000/= na CV Tsh. 9,000/=.  Gusa Hapa   Kuwasiliana Nasi. Nimekuwa nikiulizwa maswali mengi na watu mbalimbali kuhusiana na CV au Wasifu. Hapa nimeweka maswali ninayoulizwa sana pamoja na majibu yake. 1.  CV au Wasifu ni nini? CV au wasifu ni maelezo kuhusu mtu fulani ambapo maelezo hayo huangazia historia ya elimu pamoja na uzoefu wa kazi. Waajiri huhitaji CV yako ili iwarahisishie kukufahamu na kupata mawasiliano yako. 2.  CV bora ina kurasa ngapi? CV bora ina kurasa mbili hadi tatu. CV ya ukurasa mmoja haifai na CV yenye zaidi ya kurasa tatu haina vigezo. Jifunze: Jinsi ya Kuandika Barua ya maombi ya Kazi 3.  Wadhamini katika CV ni watu gani? Wadhamini katika CV ni mtu yeyote anayekufahamu ambaye endapo atapigiwa simu na waajiri ataweza utoa maelezo kukuhusu. Mdhamini anaweza kuwa rafiki yako uliyesoma naye na sasa anafanya kazi fulani. Anaweza kuwa mwalimu aliyekufun

Mtihani wa Kiswahili 1 Kidato cha Sita 2024 1

Muda: Saa 3 Maelekezo 1. karatasi hii ina sehemu A na B zenye jumla ya maswali nane. 2. Jibu maswali yote katika sehemu A na maswali matatu kutoka sehemu B. swali la tano ni la lazima. 3. Sehemu A in alama arobaini na sehemu B ina alama sitini. 4. Zingatia maagizo ya kila sehemu na kila swali. 5. Simu za mkononi na vitu vyote visivyoruhusiwa havitakiwi katika chumba cha mtihani. 6. Andika namba yako ya mtihani au jina katika kila ukurasa wa kijitabu chako cha kujibia. Sehemu A (Alama 40) Jibu maswali yote. 1.  Soma kifungu cha habari kisha jibu maswali yanayofuata: Utawala bora ni hali ya viongozi kusimamia vyema maslahi ya taifa lao. Ni kitendo cha kutenda haki kwa wote na kuhakikisha maisha mazuri kwa kila mmoja. Kiongozi anaposhindwa kutawala vyema, wananchi hupatwa na kihoro hasa pale ndugu zao wanapoanza kuuawa kwa sababu ya kukosoa serikali. Serikali inayoua watu wake haifai hata kidogo. Ni vyema kama viongozi watasimamia demokrasia kwani demokrasia ni utawala wa watu wote tena

History 2 Form Six Examination 2024 1

Time: 03 Hours Instructions: This paper consist of seven questions. Answer a total of five question, question one is compulsory. Each question carries 20 marks. Cellular phone and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s). Answer five questions, question one is compulsory. 1.  Explain the reasons for Neo colonialism to persist in Third World countries despite achieving their political independence. 2.  Analyse the measures which were taken to overcome the obstacles which hindered the development of agricultural sector in Britain during feudalism. 3.  Show how the 1848 revolution crumbled the despotic and divine rule in Europe. 4.  Analyse the political and economic changes that necessitated the transition from competitive to monopoly capitalism. 5.  Examine challenges emanating from the 1967 Arusha Declaration. 6.  Give the reasons which made the New Deal Programmes fail to achieve economic re

History 1 Form Six Examination 2024 1

Time: 3 Hours Instructions 1. This paper consist of seven questions. 2. Answer a total of five questions. Question one is compulsory. 3. Each question carries twenty marks. 4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room. 5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet. Answer five  questions, question one  is compulsory. 1.  Propose six ways of overcoming poverty in Tanzania. 2.  Provide six reasons which made some pre colonial African societies evolve into feudal  mode of production. 3.  Show how Africa was affected by the developmental gap between her and the Western Europe from the 15 th  century to 1960s. 4.  Give reasons which made the capitalists to permit Africans to produce cash crops during colonial time. 5.  Show the significance of physical infrastructural systems in the colonial economy. 6.  Colonial education was nothing but education for subordination, creation of mental confusion and the development of unde

Oral and Written Literature | Form Five and Six

Topic Objectives 1.  Concept of literature. 2.  Major types of literature. 3.  Relationship between language and literature. 4.  Major elements of literature. Concept of literature Literature is a work of art expressed in words, using languages creatively to express human realities. Approaches used to define literature (i)  Criteria approach This approach provide criteria that must be met by all texts so that they are called literature. (ii)  Prototypical approach which focuses on a particular good example of literature to which other examples bear resemblance. It is suggested that prototypical literary works are: - written texts, - marked by careful use of language, including features such as metaphors, well-turned phrases, elegant syntax, rhyme, alliteration and meter, - in a literary genre (poetry, prose, fiction, or drama) - read aesthetically, - Intended to be read aesthetically, - contain many weak implicatures and - are deliberately somewhat open to interpretation. The usual ap