History 2 Form Six Examination 2020 3 New Format

Monkey holding tree.

Maelekezo ya Kufanya Mtihani Ili Usahihishwe na Mwalimu:

1. Mtu yeyote na popote alipo anaruhusiwa kufanya mtihani huu.
2. Fanya mtihani huu kwa kutumia aina yoyote ya karatasi.
3. Ukimaliza, piga picha karatasi hizo kisha zitume WhatsApp kwenye namba ya Mwalimu Makoba, 0754 89 53 21.
4. Subiri mtihani wako usahihishwe, Urudishiwe na ufanyiwe masahihisho.
5. Gharama ya mtihani huu ni shilingi 2,000/= (elfu mbili).
Namba za malipo ni: M – Pesa 0754 89 53 21 (Daud Mhuli) na Tigo pesa 0653 25 05 66 (Daud Mhuli).

Use 3 Hours

Answer any five questions, question number one is compulsory

    1.   Use six points to show how the agrarian revolution led to the growth of capitalism in Europe.

     2.   Show how the agrarian revolution led to the growth of capitalism in Europe. (Six points). (Do not attempt this question, it was accidentally repeated.)

     3.   Evaluate six impact of Germany and Italy unification in Europe.

     4.   Analyze six causes of the Russian OctoberRevolution.

     5.   You have been elected to speak to the African Union Summit. Without fear, assess the impact of the rise of USA capitalism in the world.

    6.   Long time ago, Russia launched a nuclear missile in Cuba. What were the six reasons behind this?

     7.   Prove that, chronic African problems are caused by foreign nations.

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