History 1 Online Examination for Form Six 2 | Advanced Level

kofia ya chuma

Endapo unataka kufanya mtihani huu ili usahihishwe na Mwalimu, zingatia mambo haya:
1. Mtu yeyote na popote alipo anaruhusiwa kufanya mtihani huu.
2. Fanya mtihani huu kwa kutumia aina yoyote ya karatasi.
3. Ukimaliza, piga picha karatasi hizo kisha zitume WhatsApp kwenye namba ya Mwalimu Makoba, 0754 89 53 21.
4. Subiri mtihani wako usahihishwe, Urudishiwe na ufanyiwe masahihisho.
5. Gharama ya mtihani huu ni shilingi 2,000/= (elfu mbili).
Namba za malipo ni: M – Pesa 0754 89 53 21 (Daud Mhuli) na Tigo pesa 0653 25 05 66 (Daud Makoba)
“Kwa kuwa lengo la mtihani huu ni kutaka kujua uwezo na mapungufu ya mwanafunzi ili aweze kupewa mbinu mbadala za kumsaidia kufaulu mtihani wake wa mwisho, kuangalizia majibu hakuna faida yoyote kwani lengo la mtihani si kubaini nani atakuwa wa kwanza na yupi atakuwa wa mwisho!”
It is far more honorable to fail than to cheat.
Sasa fanya mtihani wako…
Time: 3 hours
SECTION A (40 marks)
Answer two (2) questions from this section.
1. By using six points, examine the influence of Mfecane war in the formation of centralized states in Central and East Africa during the 19 th century.
2. Analyse the social impact of trade contacts between Europe and Africa in the 15 th century. (Give three points in each continent).
3. Explain three prejudices which faced People of African Origin in the new world and show their three legal struggles which brought about equal education.
4. Elaborate four features of peasant agriculture and four features of plantation agriculture during colonialism.
SECTION B (40 marks)
Answer two (2) questions from this section.
5. Analyse six strategies which were undertaken by the colonial states to improve agriculture in Africa after the Second World War.
6. Examine two roles of colonial trade and use four points to show how Africans were affected by this trade after the Second World War.
7. Show how the consequences of the Second World War accelerated Nationalist struggles in Africa. (Give six points)
8. In six points, evaluate the role of socialism in championing decolonization process in Africa after the Second World War.
SECTION C (20 marks)
Answer one (1) questions from this section.
9. Discuss six important issues which need changes in the 1977 Tanzanian constitution for strengthening Tanzania as a democratic society.
10. Evaluate six challenges to Tanzania’s economic growth.

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