History 1 Online Examination for Form Six 1

karatasi nyeupe

Endapo unataka kufanya mtihani huu ili usahihishwe na Mwalimu, zingatia mambo haya:
1. Mtu yeyote na popote alipo anaruhusiwa kufanya mtihani huu.
2. Fanya mtihani huu kwa kutumia aina yoyote ya karatasi.
3. Ukimaliza, piga picha karatasi hizo kisha zitume WhatsApp kwenye namba ya Mwalimu Makoba, 0754 89 53 21.
4. Subiri mtihani wako usahihishwe, Urudishiwe na ufanyiwe masahihisho.
5. Gharama ya mtihani huu ni shilingi 2,000/= (elfu mbili).
Namba za malipo ni: M – Pesa 0754 89 53 21 (Daud Mhuli) na Tigo pesa 0653 25 05 66 (Daud Makoba)
“Kwa kuwa lengo la mtihani huu ni kutaka kujua uwezo na mapungufu ya mwanafunzi ili aweze kupewa mbinu mbadala za kumsaidia kufaulu mtihani wake wa mwisho, kuangalizia majibu hakuna faida yoyote kwani lengo la mtihani si kubaini nani atakuwa wa kwanza na yupi atakuwa wa mwisho!”
Sasa fanya mtihani wako…
Time: 3 hours
Section A (40 marks)

Answer two questions from this section

1. With examples, examine the objectives of pre-colonial education in African societies. (Give six points).
2. The level of development between Africa and Europe deviated from the 15th century onwards. In six points, show the developmental variations which occurred.
3. Describe six major reasons for the rise of the Black American solidarity.
4. Frantz Fanon once remarked that, “the colonial state is the most violent.” In six points, justify this statement.
Section B (40 Marks)

Answer two questions from this section

5. Explain six effects of colonial education in Africa.
6. In six points, describe the effects of expanding colonial trade in Africa after 1945.
7. The united Nations played significant role towards the development of nationalism and the struggle for African independence. Substantiate this statement in six points.
8. Had is not been the role of capitalist and socialist antagonism, African countries would not have been conscious of their self rule. In six points, argue against this statement.
Section C (20 Marks)

Answer one question from this section

9. in six points, analyse the impact of industrial backwardness in Tanzania.
10. Why Tanzania continued to have modest economic growth in spite of receiving aids from donor countries in the 1970's? Explain by giving six reasons.

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