Civics Online Examination for Form Four| Pre Necta3

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Endapo unataka kufanya mtihani huu ili usahihishwe na Mwalimu, zingatia mambo haya:
1. Mtu yeyote na kokote aliko anaruhusiwa kufanya mtihani huu.
2. Fanya mtihani huu kwa kutumia aina yoyote ya karatasi.
3. Ukimaliza, piga picha karatasi hizo kisha zitume WhatsApp kwenye namba ya Mwalimu Makoba, 0754 89 53 21.
4. Subiri mtihani wako usahihishwe, Urudishiwe na ufanyiwe masahihisho.
5. Gharama ya mtihani huu ni shilingi 2,000/= (elfu mbili) tu.
Namba za malipo ni: M – Pesa 0754 89 53 21 (Daud Mhuli) na Tigo pesa 0653 25 05 66 (Daud Makoba)
“Kwa kuwa lengo la mtihani huu ni kutaka kujua uwezo na mapungufu ya mwanafunzi ili aweze kupewa mbinu mbadala za kumsaidia kufaulu mtihani wake wa mwisho, kuangalizia majibu hakuna faida yoyote kwani lengo la mtihani si kubaini nani atakuwa wa kwanza na yupi atakuwa wa mwisho!”
Sasa fanya mtihani wako…
Spend not more than three hours

Section A (20 Marks)

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.
I. Which of the following are inscribed on the Coat of arms of Tanzania?
A. giraffe and hammer. B. flag and giraffe. C. hoe and hammer. D. forest and trees. E. trees and hoe.
II. Before marriage men and women develop friendship, this period of friendship is called
A. courtship B. infidelity C. early marriage D. initiation period E. kitchen party.
III. The assigning of roles, tasks and responsibilities to a particular gender on the basis of fixed biases is called
A. gender analysis B. gender bias C. gender mainstreaming D. gender blind E. gender stereotyping.
IV. Inadequate provision of food, shelter, clothing and access to clean water is an indication of
A. poverty circle B. absolute poverty C. relative poverty D. income poverty E. poverty line.
V. The rural authority of the local government consists of
A ward, town and municipal councils
B town, municipal and city councils
C district, municipal and city councils
D village governments, ward governments and district councils
E village councils, town councils and city councils.

Section B (20 Marks)

2. A. Outline five roles of government in economic development.
B. Briefly explain five elements of culture.

Section C (40 Marks)

Answer all questions

3. The multiparty system is more democratic than a single party system. In the light of this statement examine six merits of multiparty democracy to a country like Tanzania.
4. Show how a responsible Tanzanian citizen can contribute to the welfare and prosperity of the country by giving six points.
5. Proponents of globalization argue that globalization is a catalyst of development while the opponents contend that it is a new form of neo-colonialism to developing countries. Discuss six demerits of globalization to a country like Tanzania.

Majibu ya mtihani huu yanapatikana kwa sh. 1,000 (Elfu Moja) bofya hapa kuwasiliana na Mwalimu.

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