English Form One Annual Examination| Nov 2017| Past Papers

English Form One Annual Examination| Nov 2017| Past Papers

Paper Created by Diodonne Familia


1.   This paper consists of sections A, B, C.
2.   Answer all questions.
3.   Cellular phones and calculators are not allowed in the examination room.
4.   Read the instruction carefully before attempting the questions.


1.   Read and answer the following questions.
I am Vaileth Paschal. I study at Bahari Beach High School. I am in form one. I wake up at 6.00 a.m everyday. Then, I brush my teeth. I take two minutes. At 6.15 a.m. I take breakfast which comprises tea and boiled cassava. Next I put on my school uniform and leave home for school at 6.30 a.m. the school is not very far from home. Thus, it takes me fifteen minutes to reach my area. I spend a quarter an hour doing cleanless. At 7.00 am. I go to the assembly ground where inspections take place. Dirty students are ussually punished.
Lessons begin at 7.30 am on Monday, the first lesson is mathematics.
At 10.00 am. I go out of the class for short break last for twenty minutes. When the twenty minutes are over, I enter the class where I stay until 2.40 p.m when I go home. At home, I help my mother with domestic chores and go to bed at 10.00 pm.
Answer the following questions:
a.   At what time does Vaileth wake up?
b.   At which school is she studying?
c.   What does she do after waking up?
d.   At what time does she leave home for school?
e.   What does Vaileth do after arriving at school?
f.     What is the first lesson on Monday?
g.   At what time do lessons begin?
h.   How are dirty students dealt with at Vaileth’s school?
i.     After arriving home from school what does Vaileth do?
j.     What does Vaileth’s breakfast consist of?


2.   Put the verbs in parentheses in their correct forms of the present continous tense, for each of the sentence below.
a.   Upendo (be write) at letter now.
b.   All girls (be dance) at the moment.
c.   You (be wash) your clothes now, aren’t you?
d.   Mariam (be) (go) to the market now.
e.   (Be) Hamis (eat) now?
f.     Those men (be dig) a canal.
g.   We (be) now (learn) English.
h.   Anna (be) (run) to school
i.     Msongole (be drink) tea.
j.     Anangisye (be) not (weld): is he?
3.   Choose the collect answer from the alternatives given in the box and fill the gaps in the following sentences.
In, on, from, to, at, by

i.             Leonard goes to school……….car
ii.            Asha is suffering………… malaria
iii.           Josephina goes to bed……….. 10.00 am.
iv.          Mwanaisha goes to the market……….foot
v.           Salama wakes up………..6.00 am
vi.          David studies……….Bahari Beach High School
vii.         Kinunda lives………..Dar es Salaam


4.   Write the opposite of the following words
i.             Rich………….
ii.            Quickly……….
iii.           Happy………….
iv.          Difficult………….
v.           Dirty……………..
5.   Fill the blank spaces in the following sentences, the first one is done for you.
i.             A person who rides bicycle is called a cyclist
ii.            A person who works on the farm is called…………
iii.           A person who examines and prescribes medicines for sick people is called…………
iv.          A person who takes care of sick people in a word is called…………
v.           A person who leads the discussions in a parliament is called…………
vi.          A person who arrests criminals is called…………….
vii.         A person who operates an aeroplane is called………………..
viii.       A person in charge of a district is called……………..
ix.          A person who cooks food in hotel is called……………
x.            A person who passes judgement in a court is called……………….

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